Yet again Brooklyn breaks the mold.. the freshest acid this side of 1990.
Nite Wise.com say: These young men dabble in the profession of constructing gritty acid house tracks, and melodic electro disco toons that may or may not have a hint of Italo swirling around them.
Acid Reign has six tracks of bumping electronic funk with the emphasis on the robotic disco that emanated out of Chicago in that halcyon era of early house music. The track Innovaded (From the Drum Machine) is quite rocking and will be making its way into my dj sets quite soon, as will You'll Never Get Out Of This Club Alive. The final track, We Get Open is very acidic, very nasty, pretty damned funky and melodic all at once, and would definitely set some dance floors on fire.
Rough Trade say:
A stunning lo-fi acid assault. The emphasis is on melody and soul.. as all great techno should be.
If you don't believe us read the Wikipedia entry
COST: $US8.99 +P&P