Straight Outta Iraq comes the finest in Arabic Punk.
Dj Foundation defies the conventions and attacks the sacred cows of US imperialism, radical islam and evangelical stupidity.
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Monday 27 November 2006
DisasterSounds / Audiosushi 27.11.06 Chart Listings
01 Supafly Inc - Sunrise (Dog Eat Dog)
02 freemasons 'rain down love' [loaded]
03 mika 'grace kelly remixes" [casablanca]
04 lo-fi-fnk "change channels remixes" [moshi moshi]
05 dj foundation 'god is dead' [metal postcard]
06 lady sovereign 'love me or hate me" [island/universal]
07 space cowboy "egyptian lover" [tiger trax]
08 journeyman dj "shelly's" [packupanddance]
09 Muz & Mann "Feeling My Sh_t" -[Hussle & Black]
10 s-m "billie jean" [gusto]
And... the Sunday Experience Blog says:
DJ Foundation 'God is Dead' (Metal Postcard). Call it an age thing - perhaps the onset of senility but we swear this or at least a version of it appeared as a limited Xmas treat download under the working title 'I didn't know I loved you until I saw you Iraq and roll' this time last year. Anyway regardless of whether it's been out or not it has now been given an ultra limited official (well we say official very loosely) release by those nice people at Metal Postcard. Without doubt and passing bad wind in the face of all things PC (PC as in politically correct and not your personal computer like) these days (isn't it just nice to have a record that jabs a fuck you middle finger in the direction of the moral majority) in terms of bad taste this cutie is sure to upset and intrigue in equal measures. The orgasmic 'God is Dead' runs a similar line to South Central's (recent or is it soon to be released floor rumbler via Art Goes Pop) 'Nothing can go wrong' (see Missive 103) in that it fuses together Gary Gli**ers 'Rock 'n' Roll (part 2)' and the Fall's 'Big New Prinz' while simultaneously upping the ante several notches on their rivals by immersing it in a wealth of X Rated samples scored from, one would imagine, scripts from 70's porn movies. The end result a salacious panting dirty beauty that aside being utterly filthy and sexy with it may well require several cold showers not only for you the listener but your hi-fi as it comes to terms with its newly found awoken sexuality. Flip side features Sonny and Cher's crowning glory 'I got you babe' being hilariously pulverised, cut up, mashed up and fed into the centre stage of a raging and violent cross fire conflict. Now finding itself reworked as (yep you guessed it) 'I shot you babe' by Sunni and Shia - it really does make you wonder whether there is any conceivable or contentious subject matter that those Metal Postcard dudes wouldn't consider touching. That said the editing is a little out which adds to its almost amateurish cocking a snoop charm. On the CD version there's an additional hot 'n' horny retread of 'God is Dead' given a sultry Eastern promise refit braided with all manner of military marching shenanigans which all said and done gives it an KLF appeal. Of course it goes without saying utterly essential stuff even if to just piss off the politically correct pop purists. www.myspace.com/metalpostacard